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تينا 04-12-22 01:35 PM

رد: There Must Be Showers - Anne Hampson

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Elaina (المشاركة 3528747)
There Must Be Showers
Anne Hampson
ومرت الغيوم

novel link


Interior designer Shelley Scott couldn't believe her bad luck when she landed her dark, arrogant ex-husband Nick Montpelier as a client. Then she found out her assignment: to renovate the elegant mansion that she and Nick had once planned to live in--for Nick's new fiancee.

But when Nick took Shelley in his arms and covered her lips with urgent, demanding kisses, it was as though nothing had changed. Shelley was as wildly in love with Nick as ever--and she would fight to win her husband back.

Not one moment of this assignment in paradise was going to be wasted...


ممكن رابط آخر لان مافتح معاي شكرا

أجمل زهرة 11-12-22 05:24 PM

رد: There Must Be Showers - Anne Hampson
1 مرفق

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة تينا (المشاركة 3748656)
ممكن رابط آخر لان مافتح معاي شكرا

تفضلي رابط تاني.

There Must Be Showers

Anne Hampson

تينا 17-12-22 08:22 PM

رد: There Must Be Showers - Anne Hampson

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أجمل زهرة (المشاركة 3748709)
تفضلي رابط تاني.

There Must Be Showers

Anne Hampson

شكرا لك يعطيك العافية يارب

الساعة الآن 07:55 AM.

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