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أجمل زهرة 10-07-23 06:12 PM

رد: Melinda Cross's Books
1 مرفق

Melinda Cross

They made beautiful music together -- but was that enough?.

Madeline Chambers's only escape from a lonely childhood had been her music--particularly the songs by composer Elias Shepherd. They spoke to her in magical, haunting tones that touched her heart.

It had been a dream come true when her mentor offered her a job. When Elias heard Madeline playing his songs at a local competition, he recognized that she was the one person who could save his career--save his soul.

Elias made love to Madeline through his music. But would he ever be able to say the words spoken so beautifully in his songs?


أجمل زهرة 12-07-23 08:28 PM

رد: Melinda Cross's Books
1 مرفق
A Very Private Love

Melinda Cross

No doubt about it, he was really the one.

All her life Valerie had believed, without question, that when she finally met the man she was destined to love, she would know it in an instant. And she did.

It hit her like a thunderbolt when she happened upon Charles Rissom, a reclusive American entrepreneur, disguised as a buyer at the Egyptian Arabian horse show in Kentucky.

The odds were stacked against her. If she were to tell Charles who she really was, she risked losing more than the story of the century - she risked losing her lifelong dream for love.


أجمل زهرة 12-07-23 08:32 PM

رد: Melinda Cross's Books
1 مرفق
The Call Of Home

Melinda Cross

Underneath, she was a woman in need of love

Jessie'd had to make herself strong to cope with family obligations. But now she was free to pursue her wildlife painting.

She headed back to her childhood haunt, to the cabin on her father's old resort property in Michigan. She hadn't expected to meet anyone like Haveron Michels, the present owner--a hard, uncaring man who welcomed no one.

Jessie had never known what it was like to be the kind of woman men felt they had to care for. Now, inexplicably, this strange man evoked that age-old feminine response.


ريهام ممدوح 15-06-24 03:21 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أجمل زهرة (المشاركة 3750825)
King Of The Mountain

Melinda Cross

وهاي الروايه على طلب الصديقه ريهام ممدوح


Trapped in the Rockies on top of Mount Hazard in a December blizzard wasn't the usual ending to a fashion photo session.

It was no time for Marnie to find out that one of her models didn't have her insulin. That's when she discovered that Ross Arnett wasn't just a superb photographer but a very handy man in an emergency.

Yet having lost her brother in similar weather conditions, Marnie wasn't about to let Ross go alone to seek help. Even if he was convinced she'd be a liability ...


شكرا أجمل زهرة مع ان الشكر متأخر جدا لكن المنتدى مش بيظهرلي أي اشعارات أبدا وشفت المنشن بالصدفه..كل عام وانتي بخير حبيبتي

الساعة الآن 07:45 AM.

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