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أجمل زهرة 03-08-19 09:03 PM

رد: Judy Christenberry
Baby in Her Arms
(Lucky Charm Sisters)
by Judy Christenberry


When Josh McKinley appeared on Maggie O'Connor's doorstep with a baby in his arms and an irresistibly helpless expression on his face, Maggie's maternal--and womanly--smarts wouldn't let her turn him away. But that one good deed soon turned into marriage--in name only--and Maggie knew she was in way over her head. Because what started out as a practical union was fast turning into a passion-filled romance....


أجمل زهرة 03-08-19 09:05 PM

رد: Judy Christenberry
A Ring for Cinderella
(Lucky Charm Sisters)
by Judy Christenberry


Susan Greenwood had expected a tip, not an offer of marriage! But how could the down-on-her-luck beauty resist when rich-as-a-prince Zach Lowery porposed to her in the middle of the Lucky Charm Diner?

Then she got her answer--it was just a role she had to play to soothe Zach's dying grandfather. But Zach never expected his pretend wife to tie him in knots with her selfless gestures and warm embraces. And soon this cynical rancher found himself trying to find a way to make a real futrue...a real family...with his Cinderella bride.


أجمل زهرة 03-08-19 09:08 PM

رد: Judy Christenberry
رابط السلسلة السابقة.


sohaa 10-09-22 01:35 PM

رد: Judy Christenberry

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أجمل زهرة (المشاركة 3718855)
رابط الروايات ال6 السابقة.


عغوا عزيزتى و لكن هذا الرابط فارغ من محتواه

sohaa 27-09-22 07:58 AM

رد: Judy Christenberry
ممكن رابط جديد ل
Judy Christenberry - Daddy Unknown
و شكرا

الساعة الآن 02:14 PM.

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