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ran-nag06 21-11-10 05:15 AM

Love Lies Sleeping by Catherine George
Love Lies Sleeping by Catherine George
She was thrilled at the prospect

Frances had a passion for history, and delving into the family archives of the aristocratic Curthoys would be pure pleasure. And, working for Harry Curthoys fulfilled a childhood fantasy. Hadn't she once worshipped from afar the dashing young lord?

But Frances was no longer a silly schoolgirl. She was mature, levelheaded and engaged to a wonderful man. And Harry, too, had changed. He had become jaded and, why, he wasn't even particularly good-looking! He couldn't compare to her handsome fiance.

Soon, though, to her rather guilty surprise, she found this was not entirely the truth....



ran-nag06 21-11-10 05:21 AM

The Folly of Loving by Catherine George
The Folly of Loving by Catherine George
His proposal reeked of guilt--and pity

Victoria fell in love with Gavin Creed when she was a teenager and he was an aspiring actor who thought she was some sort of Lolita.

It took her years to recover from his ruthless--but very effective--way of removing the stardust from her eyes, and by the time they met again their lives were drastically different.

For one thing, Gavin had become a television sex symbol, and for another, he wanted Victoria to marry him... .



ran-nag06 21-11-10 06:55 AM

The Right Choice by Catherine George
The Right Choice by Catherine George
When Georgia arrived in Italy to teach English to young Alessa Valori, she felt everything was heading in the right direction. But the minute she met Luca Valori, Alessa's uncle and the famed ex-motor racing champion, she was thrown completely off track! Should she pretend that she didn't feel the same smoldering desire as Luca, and risk a lifetime of regret? Or throw caution to the winds, and maybe become lust another of Luca's conquests? Whichever road Georgia chose to travel, both were signposted with one clear warning: heartbreak dead ahead!



ran-nag06 21-11-10 07:08 AM

The Second Bride by Catherine George
The Second Bride by Catherine George
The perfect solution...

Jo fell for Rufus Grierson the day he married her best friend. But Jo kept her feelings to herself, for Claire's sake.

After Claire was so tragically taken from them, it seemed that Rufus had no cause to see Jo again, until the night of his wedding anniversary when he shared his grief with her, and neither could deny their mutual attraction.

Passion led to pregnancy, and Jo was surprised when Rufus asked her to marry him. She said yes, for one simple reason: she loved him.

But to be a father was what Rufus wanted most of all ....


هذه الرواية نزلت على النت منذ أكثر من أسبوعين وأنا أبحث عن هذه الكاتبة في ليلاس والبحث ما يطلعلي موضوعها بالمرة وأنا متأكدة من وجود موضوع لها واليوم من الصبح نزلولها كمان ثلاث روايات بعد أنقطاع أشهر وأخيرا من كام ساعة حن البحث عليا وطلع موضوعها لنزل الروايات فيه حملوهم على طول قبل ما الروابط تحذف ولاحاجة

zhooor 21-11-10 04:38 PM

جزاك الله الف خير شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

الساعة الآن 07:46 AM.

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