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قديم 23-04-09, 02:35 AM   المشاركة رقم: 221

التسجيل: Apr 2008
العضوية: 72130
المشاركات: 736
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Romance Reader عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 13



Romance Reader غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : غموض المنتدى : قهوة ليلاس


Hello agin, I am back

I realized that I still haven't given you the story of how I met the romantic novels. I was out once, buying clothes and stuff and as i always go out, i must buy a book so i was browsing through them and i fould this novel, i told u about it before, rajol al thalg or the italian millionaire's marriage and i had to buy it. it took me four hours to read it since i was interrupted a lot by mum who were checking on me to see how i am going with study but of course i couldn't study a word till i finished the novel and i felt great just reading it as if i was seeing a movie, as if i was the heroine. next day i bought 10novels on my way home from school and the addiction began

i kept on reading till i someday decided to look for the english versions and i went to harlequin and mills & boons right away. i was always checking those online read stories but they were so short and i wanted to read more. i kept on reading the arabic ones till i finally found the english section here and the rest is history

I love Nile Fm, it's a radio station aired from cairo. it has lovely shows and always cool music

I am a member in what women want magazine, it's a nice mag about everything women could want. interviews, health issues, beauty, make up, fashion and articles about tons of things

Marwa Rakha
I never knew her till she started to put a monthly topic on the magazine. she's a nice woman with so many opinions in everything and sometimes i agree on some of the things she write about while on other times, her opinions are too much contraversial for me

These are some of her writings, the topic is under the title
Dear Man

Dear MAN - My name is Laila

Dear MAN
My name is Laila.
Laila who?
It does not matter!
I am the girl you see on the bus;
I am the girl you see in the street;
I am your neighbor;
I am your friend;
I am your cousin;
I am your sister;
I am your mother;
I am your wife;
I am your daughter;
I am the girl you never really saw;
I am the girl you do not know!
Call me Laila!

Dear MAN,
Listen to me for once! Read between my lines! Your offences against me and every Laila are countless:
1) Grieving when I was born a little girl
2) Locking me up when I was growing up
3) Covering me up when I became a woman
4) Mutilating my genitals
5) Obsessing over my body
6) Stifling my voice
7) Suppressing my needs
8) Denying me my rights
9) Ignoring my role in life
10) Harassing me on the streets
11) Punishing me
12) Hurting me
13) Neglecting me
14) Cheating on me
15) Abusing me and using me
... All because my name is Laila!

My dear MAN, I do not want to start a war between us. I am not calling for gender equality because I know that we are different. I understand that we have different roles in life - roles that complement one another! I want to have a place by your side. I wish we could work together on a better future for our sons and daughters. I hope they enjoy a healthier relationship and a stronger bond. Hand in hand - you and I - will create legends that will live an eternity to replace myths of the past that keep dragging us down. I am calling for a fresh start for both of us. I want you to help me put an end to our misery - yes my dear MAN we are both miserable! Please give me your hand. I need your voice. Remember my name. I am Laila!

I wish I had a magic wand to unleash your powers.
I wish I had a genie in a lantern that would make you shine and rise.
I wish I had anything better, bigger, or stronger than my pen to reach you.
I am neither a wizard nor a witch.
I have no potions or spells up my sleeves.
I am just another Laila!
Take things into your own hands;
Fulfill the prophecy;
You were born to be a diva;
A supreme creature with mystical powers;
You are the life bearer!
Get your life back!

And here's another one

Dear MAN ... I need my space

Dear MAN
I need my space.
Why is it so hard to breathe when you are around?
Why is it impossible to express myself in your presence?
What is it about you that is so inhibiting?
What is it that you do that is so suffocating?
I lose the person that I am to become the person you want me to be.
I ignore the needs that I have to satisfy the needs you have created for me
I cannot breathe;
I am gasping for air;
Please go away;
Please vanish;
I beg you ... stop invading my space.
When I let you in my life I did not know that I was planting a poisoned ivy that would grow on my body, parasite on my blood, feed on my soul, and eat away my space. When you call me, your words intoxicate my essence and leave me in tears and sobs. When you touch me, your claws dig deep inside of me and leave me scarred and bruised. When you look at me, your eyes deny me the right to have eyes of my own as though I am destined to see through your eyes. When you listen to me, you demand to listen to your own echo ... why do I have to be your shadow?
When I look at you I realize that I have contracted a malignant tumor in my life; it gets more painful and more dangerous by the minute ... and in the name of love I am not allowed to have it removed. I signed a deal with a clingy devil and lost the vanquishing spell ... how do I get rid of you. You are a stalker ... I fear you. You call me a dozen times to keep me on a leash. My legs are chained to yours and I cannot set foot anywhere without you following me and if I dare open my mouth and attempt to talk, you pin me down with a firm gaze and words drown in my fear. I sit there and watch you watching me ... then I cry.
Is there a way out? Can I break free? Will you please cut me loose? I am too weak to leave and you are too possessive and too stubborn to let go. I have contemplated murdering you but I know that you have damaged me way beyond your physical presence. I thought about faking my own death, moving to another country, and starting anew but you are inside of me pinching my soul and hushing my voice when no one is looking. You say that you love me ... why don't I feel loved?
I need space to love you ... time to miss you ... and reasons to want you. I need room to be myself ... strength to free myself ... and fresh air to heal my asphyxiated self. I want a playground that is mine alone where I could run and fall and get back on my knees without you lurking in the dark corner like a crow. I want to have friends of my own and outings alone. I am tired of reporting my every move and every thought to you. Do you understand why and how much I want you gone?
Dear MAN ... my dear MAN ... Right now
I want to scream without you telling me how loud.
I want to laugh without you telling me how low.
I want to run without you telling me how far.
I want to sin without you telling me how wrong.
I want to love without you telling me how deep.
I want to fly without you telling me how high.
I want to cry without you telling me how long.
I want to be me without you telling me in what form.
Yours truly,

And this is another one of my favourites

Dear MAN - Where are you?
Dear MAN

I have searched hundreds of faces looking for you.
I have been to too many places but where are you?

In my heart I have carried a love too strong;
for the one man in whose arms I belong.

I once gave up … forgive my despair;
Ups and downs … my heart I did impair.

My wounds have healed;
My heart is no longer sealed.

Come into my life for I am ready.
Don’t let go … trust me I am ready.

I will close my eyes and count to three;
I will open my heart and set you free.

If you are really mine you will come back to me;
or I will know that we were never meant to be.

My dear MAN,

If I were to invite a special guest to my humble abode, I would make sure that the house is spotless clean, that I have juice, fruits, and dinner to offer, that I am well-dressed and well-groomed, that I am cheerful, welcoming, and attentive, that I am courteous and caring, that my guest does not wait at the door, and that my company is pleasant and entertaining. You my dear man are not in any way less important or less special than this guest.

My personal resolution for 2009 is to get married; I have announced that to everyone I know. This is a lot of work. I need to make sure that my heart is spotless clean, that my wounds have healed and that anger no longer finds a home inside of me. I want to make sure that I have love, dedication, and happiness to offer you. Like a long awaited guest, you shall find me well-dressed and well-groomed. I promise to be cheerful, welcoming, and attentive. I know that I could only appeal to you by being courteous and caring. I shall no longer keep my eyes fixed on the past. I am your magnet so please find your way to me.

Dear Prince Charming,

You had better be a prince
and you had better be charming
for I have no more tolerance for thugs and rogues.

I know that I am demanding
I know that I am picky
but I promise to make it worth your while.

Have me …
If only you knew the love I am aching to give you.

Have me …
for the first time I am willing to give all of me.

Have me …
make me yours for I will be forever yours.

Yours truly,

And this one just sums up everything I wish to find in Mr. Right

Dear MAN ... I love you

Dear MAN
I love you
Why do my words sound so void?
Why do my lines feel so empty?
More than love that you deserve.
If I have something more precious than my heart
I would have given it to you
Let me tell you why
My dear beloved man
1. You make prince-charming look so pale next to you
2. You make me smile every time I look at you
3. You make me smile every time I think of you
4. You make me smile every time I remember how I felt being with you
5. You are the one person who read into my book
6. You are the one person who saw through me
7. You are the one person who understood beyond my words
8. You make me laugh like a little girl
9. You make me feel like a grown up woman
10. You make fun of my perks
11. You love my perks
12. You love my curls
13. you love my eyes
14. You are speechless when you see me ... yet I fully comprehend your silence
15. You are so brave
16. You undressed your scars before me
17. You showed me the scared little boy inside of you
18. You are not proud
19. You are not arrogant
20. You are not fake
21. You do not judge me
22. You do not upset me
23. You laugh at my silly jokes
24. You are entertained by my silly stories
25. I tried to scare you away so hard ... you stayed
26. I took you for a tour on my dark side ... you stayed
27. I did my very best to intimidate you ... you stayed
28. You are a great mind-reader
29. You listen to my shows
30. You are a man of your word
31. You have principles
32. You said you are proud of me ... no one meant it before
33. You said you no longer liked superman ... you found me
34. You said I am your hero
35. You said I am too delicate ... no one else knows
36. You said we have a problem ... you do not like me ... you do not love me ... you are deeply in love with me
37. You said that I am not like the others ... all the others
38. You said you trust me
39. You said you understood me
40. You said you will not interfere with my work
41. You said you will support me with my mission
42. You said you will stop analyzing me
43. You love me unconditionally
44. You are not trying to change me
45. You are not trying to stifle my voice
46. You accept me as I am and for who I am
47. You laugh like a little boy
48. You talk like a real man
49. You are a real man
50. You are the best man
51. You are the different man
52. You are the perfect man
53. You are romantic
54. You never cease to surprise me
55. You made me a CD
56. You got me flowers
57. You proved to me that God answers prayers
58. You like me without makeup
59. You let me go out with you in pigtails
60. You come to me when you need to talk
61. You come to me when you need to laugh
62. You come to me when you are ok
63. You come to me when you are not ok
64. You let me draw for you
65. You sing for me
66. You make funny faces
67. You pick up my bad habits and I find it cute
68. You teach me good habits and I find it cute
69. I steal food off of tables and you find it cute
70. I beg for food from strangers and you still find it cute
71. I embarrass you in public and again you find it cute
72. Everyday I say you can't get any cuter and the day after you prove me wrong
73. Everyday I say I cannot love you more and the day after you prove me wrong
74. Everyday I say you will be gone and the day after you prove me wrong
75. Everyday I say I do not deserve you and the day after you prove me wrong
76. I respect you
77. I look up to you
78. I trust you
79. I love talking to you
80. I love listening to you
81. I love being around you
82. I love loving you
83. I love you
84. You taught me the meaning of compromise
85. You reminded me that with great power comes great responsibility
86. You are my role-model
87. You have a kind heart
88. You are a better person than I am
89. You are empathetic and you are so good at it
90. My love is just not enough yet accepted it and embraced it with more love
91. You said that if there 10 of me you would still choose me
92. You make me happy
93. I promise to keep that smile on your face
94. You clean your house
95. You chew Clorets
96. You know how to handle me
97. You learnt my language
98. I was born ... I died ... I am reborn
99. I asked you to marry me ... to make me yours ... I never asked that of anyone
100. You had better agree before I change my mind
Dear man
I am just a woman in love and I really do not know why. For all the reasons I mentioned above do not do you any justice. I just love you ... and come what may.
I am taking off my masks;
Putting down my guns
I am unarmed.
I am just a girl.
Our differences I want to set aside.
Our similarities let's unite.
Our past I shall erase
With the present I shall replace.
I need to love you.

Okay, that's it for now. Told u I am talkative

To be continued



عرض البوم صور Romance Reader  
قديم 23-04-09, 04:06 PM   المشاركة رقم: 222

التسجيل: Apr 2008
العضوية: 72130
المشاركات: 736
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Romance Reader عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 13



Romance Reader غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : غموض المنتدى : قهوة ليلاس


Good Morning or it afternoon

Anyway, I hope u r still here and would read all this, not that i said too much already, just bits and pieces

I love reading about self development and i actually took this course in Soft Skills, like communication skills, presentation skills, and too many things. I believe we should try and always make ourselves better all through reading or courses to be able to develop the skills we got to better usage

I love reading for Dr. Ibrahim El-Fiky. He's so knowledgeable and i love his way of expressing different things. I love NLP
(Neaural Langual Programming)

It's all about how we are programmed to do things and how can we conquer our weakness points by right ways to be stronger and fulfill our potential. It's so interesting

Oh, I mentioned earlier that i love observing people, well it all started about 4 years ago when I read this book about body language. I was facinated by how all these gesters and signs we do unconsciuosly actually mean a lot of things. People communicate with talking, the usual language but about80%are made in body language. we give all those signs to really present the state we are in, happy, sad, angry, so on

And u know the funny thing is that women give too much signs and they're able to interpret the signs that made by others while men are poor interpreters. That's why u actually have to tell the man what u r really thinking cause he wouldn't understand it from the body language

So, after I read about this, i went out and bought too many books about it and i developped the hobby of observing people. I could tell when someone is a liar and one example was that

there was this girl who was so beautiful and all the guys wanted to talk to her, i tlooked at the group and turned to my friend and told her, she likes this one and she said, how could u tell. from the things i read, we usually stand with one foot in front of the other and this foot in the front is always pointing to our interest. if iwas talking to my friend, i'd be looking at her and my foot pointing toward her and vice versa and that's how i knew, the girl now is actually married to this guy but that is just a coincedence

there are too many other things but it's too much for being written here so i'll think of something else to talk about

Pride & Prejudice

My story with Jane Austen started when I was so young and I read P&P, at this time though, i found there were too many hard words but i didn't give in and i read it all. the first time i was 10 and then read it again when i was 12 and i understood it way better then. I love Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. Always reading it so fast but the scenes in which they are

I saw the movie with Colin but I didn't really like it as much as the new one with Keira. I have it and I watch it like every week

Becoming Jane

I remember the time i wanted to download the movie, it was the night of Operating System Final Exam and it was done by 4a.m and i watched the whole movie and i went to the exam, i got A++and i was so happy

I loved the story with Jane and Lefroy and i could see there wouldn't be a typical happy ending, for this was how Jane became the Jane Austen as she said, he heroines face too much trouble but in the end. they get their happy endings

Okay, enough for now, I gotta go to eat

To be continued



عرض البوم صور Romance Reader  
قديم 23-04-09, 09:51 PM   المشاركة رقم: 223

التسجيل: Apr 2008
العضوية: 72130
المشاركات: 736
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Romance Reader عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 13



Romance Reader غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : غموض المنتدى : قهوة ليلاس


Hey there

As much as I love the idea of the Mic and being able to talk on and on as one likes, it's still strange cause I can't communicate with anyone and can't hear from u but I'll have to wait till my days are done

Okay, I wanted to share a few videos with you
Hope u enjoy them

This is a song by carrie underwood, just a dream. it's kinda sad but i love it anyway

YouTube - Carrie Underwood~Just A Dream (Official Video)

As u all know by now, i love becoming jane, this video sums the whole movie

YouTube - Becoming Jane - How Can I Not Love You?

Today, I watched this movie, Scent of a woman for the upteenth time, this is the tango dance

YouTube - Al Pacino - Scent of a Woman

I am a big fan of, So U Think U Can Dance
This is a waltz

YouTube - Heidi & Ryan Viennese Waltz (Top 20)

And here's another one

YouTube - Kherington and Twitch - Viennese Waltz

Okay, hope u enjoy them



عرض البوم صور Romance Reader  
قديم 24-04-09, 02:30 AM   المشاركة رقم: 224

التسجيل: Apr 2008
العضوية: 72130
المشاركات: 736
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Romance Reader عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 13



Romance Reader غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : غموض المنتدى : قهوة ليلاس


Hey there, miss me

I love songs. just like movies and novels, they tell a story. love, courage, happiness, dreams, so on. I could listen to some song while i can see it in my mind. feel it in my heart and sing it out loud in the middle of a crowded cafe, yeah. it happened once, i was so into the song, faraway by nickleback and i was wearing my lovely pink set of the ipod and i just started singing without knowing i am doing it. by the end i found the whole cafe and some people passing are looking at me like i gone mad or something. i simply paid for the mocha and went out. i laughed so much though the moment i was out

i love backstreet boys, siberia, just want you to know, incomplete, never gone, one in a million, unmistakable, okay all the songs to be brief

I love west life too and Bosson, linkin park, blue october, daughtry, edwin mccain, keane, life house, leona lewis, one republic, snow patrol, the fray, maroon5, metalica, norah jones, evanescence and too many to remember

My friends always ask me how do I spend time all on my own cause since i don't got siblings, when i wanna go out andno one would come, i do it on my own. I actually enjoy going on my own. Have a lunch in some resturant and go to a movie or just walk around or sit in a cafe reading, writing, observing people or singing out loud. It's a really amazing experience, you all should try it once

One of so many fantasies is driving a red convertable on a lone road by the see at the early hours of morning while my hair is flying and singing out loud with loud songs from my ipod. i wish it could happen someday

I love traveling even though I haven't been anywhere yet. I haven't been on a plane yet but i can't wait to do it and fly to Italy. Oh, how i wish to see venice, florence, amalfi, milan, rome, i'd have to stay for at least two months to get to see everything and enjoy it

I love reading romance, as isaid earlier. I love contemporary. sometimes historical and the onlyparanormal i read was the twilight series. I love the whole corporate bussiness themes and I like the best friends too. It's always good to be best friends with the one you love, i think it makes it more stable and it works.

I don't like the helpless heroines. unless she had to go through some huge delimma that let her weak unlike her own, i can't read about it. Strong independent smart women are the best of characters in any novel i would love to read.

my last novel i read was smooth talking stranger by lisa kleypas and i totally love it. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks Rima for getting it. It made lisa on top of the list of my favourite writers. You should check it out

Okay, this is some entry from my thoughts i usually write. nothing fancy but well, hope u like this one

" Last night I called 'S' and he was upset ", " Today, 'A' told me that I must do this ", " Didn't you hear? 'C' is engaged to 'M' and did you see the 'ring'? ", etc...

Nope, I am not going to be nuts. Just that the above sentences and more like them are too much to bear for me. I hear them on the bus, in the lectures, halls and the street as well. Wherever I turn my head, there's this girl talking about the problems with her 'boyfriend' or talking about who's engaged and who'll be married first. It's like as if the only concern for about 98% of girls today is the previous. I wonder where're the leaders, the wheel of change, the future of our country and the tomorrow's women!!!

You must know what I mean by all that. It's a scene that I see a lot in college. Some guy, so called man is fighting with some girl and he's humiliating her and they're not even engaged. The problem is that the girl is crying and saying she's sorry and begging him to forgive her. Like hell. Are you stupid honey? How can you let someone talk to you this way? Where's you pride and dignity? And you talk to her and she's making excuses for this guy and blaming herself. Unbelievable.

Girls, what happened to you? Is this the bright future that you're dreaming of? I try to find the reason why this is happening and I guess it must be the culture. Society or family but again, it's the 21 century and it's supposed to be the opposite. May be the influence of media and all that just got to most of the girls. They all believe that they can't find a job, quoting " If boys can't then what are the odds for us ". well, How about giving it a try before you give up.

Don't you wish to make a difference, a contribution in some field. Don't you want to help in the rising of your country, to be remembered as someone who was a part of the wheel of change, don't you want to write the future and get to be there even if it was in a little role. No, not little, Huge role. We girls are raised on the facts the we're girls. You don't get out at night on your own. You learn to not take responsibilities of yourself, especially financial ones. You learn to depend on your parents and family till you get married and you depend on your husband.

I am writing about all this just in case someone read it and wonder, why do you always belittle yourselves. They always say " Behind every great man there's a great woman ". Now the keyword is 'behind', Why not before, in front of. Girls, why do you settle with the behind. After all if he was a great man he wouldn't mind that a great woman is in the front.

It's just my opinion in this matter that I had to say or I'd scream out loud. Hope that it made someone think about it. No hard feelings and just so you know, I don't have a problem with staying at home mums only if they think by doing so they're raising a generation that will help in the change they couldn't do. If only.

Okay, know for sure though at the previous note, i am not generalizing. I know there are others who are the ones to count on. I had the pleasure of meetin them here. My friends in our lovely group the SR

well then, i'll be going now, have a nice night

Love ya always

To be continued



عرض البوم صور Romance Reader  
قديم 24-04-09, 04:21 AM   المشاركة رقم: 225

التسجيل: Apr 2008
العضوية: 72130
المشاركات: 736
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Romance Reader عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 13



Romance Reader غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : غموض المنتدى : قهوة ليلاس


Hey, I just saw this video of Pride & Prejudice with the song Take Mw Away By Lifehouse

Hope u like it

YouTube - Pride and Prejudice - Take Me Away

Love u



عرض البوم صور Romance Reader  
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